Realme Mini Capsule 2.0 for Realme C67

Realme Mini Capsule 2.0 for Realme C67

Hey, Realme users I hope you are doing well. Today we are talking about the Realme mini capsule 2.0 update. Realme capsule was introduced with Realme C55 Realme UI 4.0 update. The new update has a few new features as shown below.

Realme Mini Capsule 2.0 Features

Music Control

Users can control music within the mini capsule with a single touch and swipe. Users can change the previous/next song, Pause, and play the song.

Weather forecast

Every morning for the first unlock of the device users can see today's weather forecast in a mini capsule.

Data alert 

As you know data alert of 90% use is shown in the mini capsule.

Step count

The step count for a day can be displayed in the mini capsule section.

Mini capsule 2.0 apk?

At this moment there is no APK file of mini capsule 2.0 this feature is working only in Realme C67 devices officially. In future may it will be available for Realme C55 and Realme N55 device too.

How to enable Mini capsule 2.0

  • Go to device settings 
  • Click on the Realme Lab option
  • Now find Mini capsule feature
  • Enable all the feature withing mini capsule
  • Done 

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